Begin to investigate Movable Type

I’ve maintained my personal website for more than 4 years. At first, I was kind of into the web design stuff. At least I learnt some HTML, and tried to learn something like flash or so. But then I just wrote something once in a while (most of time, I wrote only when I was in a bad mood or unbelievably boring-_-), recorded the movies I saw and the music I listened to every month. I totally stopped to learn anything about the webdesign though I kept to change the design every term or every year, barely… When blog appered, I thought it was interesting and convenient, but I didn’t have plan to jump into it…until I came to America. I found I was becoming incredibly lazy day by day. Even opening Dreamweaver is too much for me:(. In contrast, blog is much easier to manage and more friendly to comments to each entry. I’ve tried to write down some of my “underground” thoughts. It’s not bad, though there are only 4 entries or so…

I don’t know why I was writing those nonsense, but in all, I will try to be a blogger. I hate the word “blogger” because it has been toooooooo popular. In fact, my site was just like a blog. I even tried to add the achive and search functions…..and failed. Whatever, I began to use blog. The plan is:

1.Figure out how to change the template. I’ve changed it, but what I used is something that was written by someone else.
2.Try to make the page horizontally scroll. I like the horizontal scrolling idea in the last version of my site:)
3.Try to write something every day…I don’t know whether it will work if I still write my everyday story so incompletely, which makes the writting not enjoyable at all.

Oh, I’ve written too much. It’s very typical. In the beginning, I am very enthusiastic, and then I am dumb again. I’d better go to bed now. I will discuss with my advisor about the experiment scheme today…

I don’t know why I preferred English tonight. Maybe I’m insane.


  1. Great, i have the first visitor, haha.
    I just found some interesting blogs. They are good ways to kill time^^

  2. 因为横版主页少啊,哈哈,想最初我还想让文字竖排哪。

  3. 我页面也有问题啦,有时要刷新才能看到,嘿嘿。

  4. 呵呵,姐姐那么能写东西,写blog的话说不定会成为blog女皇?
    看了ximi的,哇,都写的好高级啊!msn的就是还得sign in才能留言,比较不爽。。。

  5. ximi跟布丁的全都特别高级!*^^* 我哪里能写了 …
    我一向对写日记是坚持不下来的 偶尔想写也会半途而废 显得矫情做作 … hoho 我还是坚守文集这种老古董算了 等以后实在是对bbs失去信心了再发展个blog^^

  6. 姐姐超级能写的好不好-_-

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