今晚是 Super Bowl Night,无数美国人都守在电视前看这场橄榄球大对决。其实之前几年我都没看 super bowl,主要没啥太大兴趣。不过在这边呆的时间长了,在各处都老听 super bowl super bowl 的,正好今晚在家闲懒着,就看了。说起这 super bowl,最大的感觉就是,广告间歇真不是一般的多啊!橄榄球的规则决定了比赛中会有大大小小不计其数的中断,而电台就可以尽情的用这些时段插广告。之前和其他人讨论起来,说这个恐怕是橄榄球在美国民众中这么流行的原因之一,广告机会多电台自然都愿意转播,而大反面就是足球,整场比赛就中场一次机会插广告,电台肯定不爽。说起来美国流行体育项目的排名倒很是应合插播广告的难易程度,橄榄球棒球,篮球,然后足球没什么人理,反正没电台放-_-。当然因为观众众多,每年 super bowl 的广告恐怕是全年最贵的时段,今年的官方价格是每一个30秒的时段 $2.7 million。这也使得除了球赛本身,广告也成为焦点之一。能出得起这个大价钱做广告的公司都会绞尽脑汁的制作有创意的广告,所以也使的这些广告多数挺有看头,中间还空出几秒钟给这些广告做广告,给出网址让你可以去看所有 super bowl 广告。说回球赛,今年进入 super bowl 的两支球队是黑马 New York Giants 和气势凶猛保持惊人不败战绩的 New England Patriots。俺身在新英格兰,当然是要支持 Patriots 了。我对橄榄球了解佷有限,也就是勉强知道基本规则,所以也不是很能看出好坏,反正就是两三分钟比赛就来次广告,有的时候甚至20秒就转广告@_@,所以我也没那耐心从头看到尾。不过最后10分钟佷激烈也不多广告中断,还剩5分钟时 Patriots touchdown 把比分扳成 14:10,却没想到在还剩两分钟是 Giants 一个 touchdown 又把比分改成了 14:17,然后最后全赛季保持不败的 New England Patriots 就这么晚节不保,输了:(。咳,反正我也不是球迷,不过至少知道明天见了系里的球迷老小们得顺着点他们的脾气-_-。
四年前看球的人数达到160million, 比参与投票选民人数还多(140million)
今天的新闻说,昨晚的superbowl是 most-watched super bowl ever,然后观众数量是97.5million….
i heard it on the radio.
[quote comment=”5473″]With 144.4 million viewers, this is the most watched Super Bowl ever.[/quote]
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_XXXVIII
en, it is not 160m, but it is more than 100m.
however, it is interesting that Wiki says the same thing as that in your article.
so which is the most viewed super bowl????????????
i messed up with the quote.
the quote is from Wiki
“It is also estimated that 130-140 million tune into some part of the game.”
I believe your number is the “peak” number.
i can’t totally agree with your argument, not convincing at all.
la la la ~~
it’s not my argument… i just cited it from wikipedia which is your source…
btw, tomorrow’s conversation group we’ll talk about wikipedia, how it works and to what extent it can be trusted.
you still go to ESL?
[quote comment=”5473″]er。。。你这个数据是哪里来的?
今天的新闻说,昨晚的superbowl是 most-watched super bowl ever,然后观众数量是97.5million….[/quote]
if mine is the peak value as you said, what about your data? it wouldn’t be hard to imagine the difficulty to calculate how many people actually watch through the whole game. what if they switch channels during the game? does that count a one?
so the number reported should be the peak value. no matter how long they watched, even just a moment.
it’s a nice conversation group, hoho.
and i’m not who made the statistics, they must have a way to balance the peak and duration. using either one alone won’t make much sense. again, i didn’t make the rule, and, i don’t really care #_# i just tried to find the reason why there are these two different numbers, and it was not an argument *_*
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