National Treasure: Book of Secrets [2.5/5]

National Treasure: Book of Secrets

如果我没看过三年前的第一部 National Treasure,我说不定会给这个第二部及格的3分,但是,就像一篇影评里说的,“How to review a movie that’s essentially a copy of its predecessor? The temptation is to simply copy what I wrote about the first National Treasure into this space with a few minor edits to account for name and location changes.”片子的基本故事就是改良过的寻宝冒险,当年的第一部有意思是因为它的线索多是日常生活常见的东西,譬如美元纸币,而且整个探险经历也挺有趣。但这次的第二部,寻宝的动机就很无聊了,而且线索更是扯淡,我跟本就看的投入不进去,就是等着他们进到下一步,反正都是瞎编。