
总算到达25岁这个门槛,汽车保险降价的大门槛,我期待着新的保险计划价格会有显著的下降。结果拿到10月开始下一年的保险,发现最基本的保险还是要$600多一年,比起前两年才少了个几十。打电话给我的保险公司 Amica 问,被告知是因为我有两大张超速罚单,而 Amica 最近改了算法,罚单更严重的影响保金。大失望啊,我只好告诉那位接待我的阿姨我对 Amica 很满意,但是这价格实在超过我期望,我得 shop around 一下了。其后我跑去烂俗的 Geico 看多少钱,结果发现两张超速罚单下来他们居然开出$700多的价格,咳咳,这个 Geico 花那么多钱做傻b广告,我也早就怀疑它能多便宜。但我也懒得再找了,心想就认了吧,继续 Amica 吧。结果昨晚收到 Amica 寄来的信件,说电话联系不到我,那阿姨说找到了给我省钱的办法,希望我能给她打过电话去。今早打了电话,她告诉我她帮我去 shop around 了一下,发现 Progressive 最便宜,同样的保险我只需出$380或者$330如果我一次付清的话,这可节省将近一半啊。她说等过一年我的超速罚单不再这么影响保金,她会再给我一个报价把我迎回 Amica。而且我不需要自己再联系 Progressive,她可以帮我把资料转过去,等10月初保险要到期时给她电话就行了。我放下电话查了下 Progressive,就是她告诉我的金额。赞一个,即使她有那么一点点可能拿到什么介绍费,但仍然她花时间帮我找低价帮我省了钱,还是要赞一个,啦啦啦。


  1. what kind of car do you have now? It depend on that too.
    I pay a little bit more than 200 for half a year now.
    So u pay 330 to progressive for a year? So cheap. If it is the case, I will change my insurance from state farm to progressive.

    The reason I got state farm at that time was I can suspend the insurance during the summer time when I was in Germany. I donot know if you can suspend the progressive insurance or not.

  2. [quote comment=”4576″]以后开车一定注意安全啊?小心一点更好![/quote]
    [quote comment=”4580″]what kind of car do you have now? It depend on that too.
    I pay a little bit more than 200 for half a year now.
    So u pay 330 to progressive for a year? So cheap. If it is the case, I will change my insurance from state farm to progressive.

    The reason I got state farm at that time was I can suspend the insurance during the summer time when I was in Germany. I donot know if you can suspend the progressive insurance or not.[/quote]

  3. 让我想起了自己去INDIA QUEEN旁边的影像点订购shawn of the dead.老伯告诉我去videoshop租更便宜。


  4. 嗯,我之前想写篇关于给小nice小便宜的文章来着,hoho。一点小便宜能换来更多。citytire修车也是,给我很多小便宜:) 另,是shaun不是shawn哟。


  5. [quote comment=”4582″]问你严肃问题,你觉得在细枝末节上花好多时间是不是无法成大器?[/quote]

  6. [quote comment=”4586″][quote comment=”4582″]问你严肃问题,你觉得在细枝末节上花好多时间是不是无法成大器?[/quote]
    er….i’m confused. who is more sensitive? i don’t understand what made you think i was being sensitive? i didn’t even think of who (you or me or anyone) you were referring. it’s just like a genuine question. you totally confused me-_-. looks like you are quite sensitive, hahaha.

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