黄磊 – 云烟


黄磊 – 云烟





  1. I am so curious about the so called “其后有人”? Who is he(she)? You mentioned this story and this people several times in front of me! I spent three days painting for yout gift, but you forget it:( I am jealous, hiahia:)

  2. [quote comment=”3470″]这里的草莓又大又好看但却出奇地难吃….:)似水年华看很多遍都不烦… 恩…[/quote]
    [quote comment=”3471″]反正.现在再听.不会再觉得痛了。不知道这算是进步.还是一种自欺欺人的成熟.[/quote]
    [quote comment=”3472″]I am so curious about the so called “其后有人”? Who is he(she)? You mentioned this story and this people several times in front of me! I spent three days painting for yout gift, but you forget it:( I am jealous, hiahia:)[/quote]
    I’ve talked about this story in a previous post about cd gifts I received…
    for your gift, who told you I forget it? @_@ and, were you thinking of me when you painted it?

  3. Hiahia, I am not serious! I am just tired from working. Well, I need total concentration when painting, so I don’t think I was thinking about you at that time. But I make only one gift by myself everyyear, and you are really a lucky one. So tell me where is my paint now? You threw it away?

  4. I believe you had two paintings at that time to give away….and also I believe you painted them when you were very very young…
    as for that painting, need to ask my father, it may sit quietly in a corner of some place….. how about you paint me a new one? and this time think about me when painting, haha.

  5. vacanteyes.com/blog/的成分:

    * 垃圾场:32.95%
    * 正義之心:31.54%
    * 愛:15.71%
    * 苍白:9.20%
    * 无奈:8.99%
    * 少女情怀总是诗:1.15%
    * 不思进取:0.46%


    * 柴米油盐:30.58%
    * 可以做语文课反面教材:29.01%
    * 无病呻吟:20.73%
    * 纯情派掌门人:18.57%
    * 暗恋:1.00%
    * 新浪社会新闻的熏陶:0.10%

  6. You guys are still talking about that paint????
    Strawberry is good, but it is not that delicious when you eat alone,haha

  7. [quote comment=”3478″]vacanteyes.com/blog/的成分:

    * 垃圾场:32.95%
    * 正義之心:31.54%
    * 愛:15.71%
    * 苍白:9.20%
    * 无奈:8.99%
    * 少女情怀总是诗:1.15%
    * 不思进取:0.46%


    * 柴米油盐:30.58%
    * 可以做语文课反面教材:29.01%
    * 无病呻吟:20.73%
    * 纯情派掌门人:18.57%
    * 暗恋:1.00%
    * 新浪社会新闻的熏陶:0.10%[/quote]
    [quote comment=”3480″]You guys are still talking about that paint????
    Strawberry is good, but it is not that delicious when you eat alone,haha[/quote]
    you remembered that painting? amazing….
    strawberry probably tastes the best when you are fed by someone else?

  8. My god! You look like HuangLei?????
    I remembered there was a bull and a naked boy in that paint? Your CD will be in a corner of same place as well, shoushou^_^

  9. To littering:
    There were two bulls and the boy was not naked:(
    But you are right, he will throw everything that I give him in the corner, 55555:(
    BTW, when you come to Europe?

  10. [quote comment=”3484″]不曉得我眼神怎麽樣,老早就覺得你跟黃磊有幾分相像!呵呵。長相與氣質多少都有點吧![/quote]
    [quote comment=”3485″]My god! You look like HuangLei?????
    I remembered there was a bull and a naked boy in that paint? Your CD will be in a corner of same place as well, shoushou^_^[/quote]
    you mean I’m even better looking?
    [quote comment=”3486″]To littering:
    But you are right, he will throw everything that I give him in the corner, 55555:(
    Where things physically are is not important. They will always be in a very nice corner in my mind.

  11. 你给我update一下你的电话号码。上次我跟李源一块的时候想给你打个电话问点事,结果你已经换号码了。后来我们只好给贝贝打了个电话,当时可才北京早上五点多钟阿…………

  12. Shoushou-I will probably be in Europe from late May to late August. You are going to give me a paint as well? Or you can treat me a trip to France, that is even better^_^

  13. To littlering:
    I will be glad if you come, and of course I will invite you for some french deals:)
    In fact, the city where I live now is nearer to Swiss compared to Paris. That will take you only five or six hours to see me.
    The paint, I can make one for you if you are naked in front of me. That can give me some sprites of creation:)

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