最近这几天各种事情搞得我很忙,而且什么都很慌张,慌张的让老子想要飚脏话!连续两天晚睡早起,今早走在路上心跳超快,很不舒服,事实上我全天心跳都一直很快,慌张慌张!旅行的事很多繁琐的细节,搞到申根签证又马不停蹄的搞机票和瑞士签证,以及基本的行程安排,而这些我基本上都只能晚上做,白天都在慌张的做实验,带实验和上课,而且白天被老板逼得太紧,有时间都做实验,作业都没时间做,所以晚上我都很少见的非截止日回家还做作业,当然和旅行安排又挤在一起。昨天今天这两天最过分,昨天上午到了学校就做实验,中午说好的午餐都有点赶不上,下午晚上带两个session的TA,中间空闲继续做实验,还得着急准备签证。晚上回了家,慌张了几天终于决定出手买机票,还一路不顺,价钱突然开始变幻还出错,还好最后平安搞定,然后继续准备各种签证材料,和讨论行程,基本决定巴黎和瑞士之间再跑柏林几天。3点多睡了,8点多就得起,老板指示9点半等我做实验,匆忙赶到学校,老板刚好出现在我办公室。然后就做啊做,趁老板去教课赶快打印签证材料,试图今天寄出,这其间无数的诡异错误,居然都被我发现,现在就要寄出发现忘了放签证费进去,取了钱准备妥当就要封条了突然想起检查申请表上的某一项,结果惊讶的发现在表上找不到那一项了!查了半天发现填好的表格并没有打印完整,而且切合正好合适根本看不出来少了一大块,差一点就寄了。慌张的不得了,重新打印材料装进信封给了系里小秘,她会很贴心的 call in 快递员来取。然后跑去上课,整堂课都感觉很慌张,平静不下来,虽然也没影响上课表现,课后还欣喜并小人的发现上上次作业很好而且其他人都不好。回到实验室继续实验,想签证寄出了,虽然除了好多错,而且还是担心有没发现的错,但至少告一段落,所以试图平静自己。测数据的时候等待,搞定了一道作业编程题,还去搞了杯茶喝,想,大概慢慢要回复平静了,结果,结果,结果!调整仪器后数据显示诡异,我去查看器材,这个project是精密测量,主要器材都俩小东西,离的巨近的一个 cylinder lens 和 一个平板 resonator,结果我一看,resonator 活生生的被折断了,那场景特别超现实,我 literally 的转身闭眼再重新睁眼看,觉得是幻觉。resonator 在 cylinder 上方高频小小震荡,应该是我操作的问题,cylinder 上升过快,咔嚓把 resonator 撞断了。我也不容易啊,这个project这个夏天我才参与,具体操作和器械都是才学,俩师兄都忙着论文毕业,老板只好揪我这个唯一的学生,啊啊啊啊啊,我就怕破坏啥,结果还真发生了!当然原则上这也不算什么,俩师兄都搞过同样的破坏,但是这是我的第一次啊,而且还发生在这么慌张的时段!靠靠靠,老子要飚脏话!
最后,让我们来听一首歌颂平静幸福生活的温馨歌曲吧!!这首歌是前段时间我在看我们家 Nicole Kidman 今年三部新片之一的 Margot at the Wedding 的预告时听到的,觉得很好听,就去查了是什么歌。预告里是 Phantom Planet 翻唱的版本,不过我还是去找了 Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 在1970年的原唱。很好听。
Our House
I’ll light the fire
You place the flowers in the vase
That you bought todayStaring at the fire
For hours and hours
While I listen to you
Play your love songs
All night long for me
Only for meCome to me now
And rest your head for just five minutes
Everything is done
Such a cosy room
The windows are illuminated
By the evening sunshine through them
Fiery gems for you
Only for youOur house is a very, very, very fine house
With two cats in the yard
Life used to be so hard
Now everything is easy
‘Cause of you
And our la,la,la, la,la, etc.I’ll light the fire
While you place the flowers in the vase
That you bought today
pat ~pat~为了欧洲旅行忙得这么累的啊,去了一定要吃好玩好多照pp啊!
Calme, baby:) You will soon come to my place:) Do you have time to see me or not? In Lyon or in Paris? When? Tell me as soon as possible, perhaps I can have a try to ask several days off.
hey, calm down. hehe. You still have time to write, so you are fine.
[quote comment=”4403″]pat ~pat~为了欧洲旅行忙得这么累的啊,去了一定要吃好玩好多照pp啊![/quote]
[quote comment=”4405″]出去玩当然是件非常快乐.非常放松的事情.但是也应该把其它事情做好.不要闹的一切乱七八糟!要学会合理调配…[/quote]
[quote comment=”4406″]Calme, baby:) You will soon come to my place:) Do you have time to see me or not? In Lyon or in Paris? When? Tell me as soon as possible, perhaps I can have a try to ask several days off.[/quote]
I probably won’t have time to go to Lyon this time:( either you can meet me in Paris (you still owe me a big meal, lalala, and i owe you a gift), or in the last few days of my stay, you can find me in swiss, whichever way works for you.
[quote comment=”4407″]这篇文章怎么看起来这么…………女?[/quote]
[quote comment=”4408″]hey, calm down. hehe. You still have time to write, so you are fine.[/quote]
Faint, from Geneva to Lyon, you need only two hours and that is my birthday period, hengheng!!!! Ok, I tell you my paln at that time. 24 night / 25 / 26 August I will be in Paris, but some people will invite me to diner and they will also offer me some gifts. Only if you prepare a gift good enough, I will cancel the dates with them to see you(and tell me now!!). 01/02 September is difficult for me, because someone else will celebrate my birthday again in Lyon and 03 september is for the one year group meeting for our project. If I can’t see you, you should leave the gift to some of your friend in France as well.
To dgs: good conclusion, zan~~~~~~
sent you an email, we can discuss it through emails.
you know my schedule is kind of constrained….
cmft cmft..