1. @Dro: 呼哈,小姑给我发手机上了,看来我们局域网内网还是有好处啊,你都从来不给我打电话!!!

  2. 是比较漂亮。欢迎来这里,或者我们可以在纽约见。

  3. @Jing: 她已经听过中外多种夸她年轻的评价了,肯定乐死了,哈哈。 quant的话,各种权限还没下来,就还在阅读啊阅读

    @yanjie: 反正离的不远,呵呵。6年还真是咻的就过去了。

    @Dro: 校色早就搞过啦。

  4. Ah! Seeing pictures like this one almost puts me to tears…We do not usually end up with what we set out to achieve, do we? But still, we must get going.

    In this photo the upper three are identified as acolytes, the lowest level soldiers of 鬼族 in Warcraft III, but what are the lower three supposed to be?

  5. @Shoushou: you mean top left from viewers’ point? in that case, he is a very cute and somewhat handsome guy! hahahaha.
    the final days are always more stressful. but they will always pass. hang in there aaa.

    @dgs: i think you have too much free time dear, which leads to too much heavy thinking. i think the goal itself isn’t that meaningful. everything is ever changing. so maybe the “goal” should be to try to be as happy (or as less miserable depending on your depression level) as possible every day…. and for the photo i’m not a warcraft expert, i guess we have to ask beibei or gayfish to answer the question… in any case, it’s a fun photo, and i believe we had a very fun college time. lala

  6. 是哦,不过把你美女等级对待,你应该受宠若惊才是!那个人是谁啊?我隐隐约约有个印象,可是就是想不起来了,老了!

  7. @兽兽: 切,我姐才不吃你这套拍马屁!你要说从你这个角度的左上,那就是我!

    @QQ农场: 啊,多谢夸奖哪!很久没折腾了!

    @动动: 对的,就是没长大!告诉你们,有人对你们还在采用大叶这个称号耿耿于怀!

  8. 天啊,看来那天的确是忙晕头了,我想说的是右上!左右不分现在都还没有改过来,我记得以前非要想想哪只手用筷子才能想起来!另外,有没有可能是你说话太niang了啊?

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